No Gifts to Give by Christopher Ervin

While some of us are hanging all the mistletoe and singing of happy holidays and joy to the world, many gravitate to less cheerful holiday carols to mask how they feel. As bouncy and bright as Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You,” is it just a way to sugarplum coat the more truthful reality of the Emotions, “What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas?”. In a season of pandemics, isolation, and loss, this question is no longer rhetorical. As trees go up, lights twinkle amongst wreaths and reindeer, and the world fills with good cheer, let’s not overlook that many are closer to boo hoo hoo hoo than ho ho ho. And do understand these words are not to be grinch or put any coal in anyone’s stocking. It is just taking a moment to pause among the carols and last-minute Christmas sales and the frantic pace of gift-giving. First, not overlooking the many that are close to us may be having a Blue Christmas, including yourself. That a letter to Santa will not bring back a job, a ...