Are you living in an alternate reality? - Functioning inside of Dysfunction
Imagine the possibility of each of us operating in our own reality. To show this, draw a straight line on a piece of paper. The bottom would be your birth, and the top would be death. The middle is where you are right now. If we were to exist on this continuum, then our lives would mimic the ideal. Now imagine that every time something happened to us, that was difficult to process. It kicked us off the “straight and narrow.” The new path becomes a reality at that time, altered by that life event. Every time something happens, this pushes us further from our true selves. The version that was the most authentic becomes altered. Failing to regroup puts us in this faux reality. Imagine existing in this faux-reality since the age of five. You may not even know how to re-group at this point. And because everyone has different life experiences and milestones, everyone has a different faux-reality. Now compare how people in society relate ...