Is there a right or wrong?
The dysfunction of society when someone makes a decision, and the ridicule that follows. Not because it was a wrong decision but because there are rules and laws in place that state that that decision is unacceptable under all circumstances. The moralistic crossroad that one must endure to either not make the decision or make it and die internally for eternity. There is no choice for some, either way. Rules are rules. Accepting the position of the martyr, some do with pride, though the outcome can be destitute or shame. However, both had the option of a team that would commend quietly and not hold liable for following the ‘rules,' or one that would congratulate for following the rules, but moralistically and socially it is suicide. All the while constantly reminding of ‘not doing anything wrong’ becomes the background noise of the psyche. Then comes the praise, but legal battles to defend morals and to have extended basic decency.
When faced with a decision on this level there is no perfect solution. The rules are in place for protection. The outcome can be catastrophic; lines and boundaries are in place for a reason as well as a precaution. Forbid a pure heart that breaks the rules and tragedy occurs. Disgust is the definition of the behavior of the ‘law-abiding.' We live in a system that has rules and legislation in place for a reason. When making the laws, 100% of the population agrees; but no one can adequately factor in the weight of the morals. There is no arithmetic or equation substantial for this; nothing is created because data is continuous versus discrete. How could a formula be solved when all of the variables are only known after the equation is solved? (X+Y=Z). We call this hindsight. Right, wrong or indifferent, compassion is understanding the rules but making exceptions. However, there are too many butts that follow compassion. There is a right and wrong answer for this, and the side that you stand on determines that.
Having to live with a decision that goes against every fiber of your existence, but you were right; this can be the beginning of self-doubt and can lead to self-destruction. There is no parade for this person. Moreover, if it does occur the festivities soon dissolve, and the ceremony is overshadowed with shameful stares, the embarrassment of close family and friends, or/and being ostracized. Having to make a decision that supports morals, but legally wrong gets you fired but commended.
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