Finding and Living Your Ten

Finding and Living Your Ten What is the one thing that you can do every day that you cannot imagine living the rest of your life without? That is your ten . As I grew up in Miami, Florida. I knew from a very early age that I wanted to love people, but it took me until I was over the age of 40 to make the connection on how to love people and make an honest living 😊 . I see life on a scale of one to ten. One is getting up every day, existing, going back to sleep and repeating it the next day. Ten is living a mindful life, enjoying and paying attention to the times you are in the presence of others. Getting up every day with purpose and excitement, looking forward to doing that one thing that brings you joy and purpose. That thing, is defined for the purpose of this topic as, if there was a way that your physical needs were met, a way where you could live the life that you dreamed with the resources necessary to live ...