Let Me Be Great...

I posted this January 8, 2015, on another site.  I've created this new blog and want to bring over the older posts.  So here goes...

I don't believe that anyone, where your souls have connected, doesn't want the best for their partner. This opinion can be my ability to live inside Harmonyville, where the sun shines every day and rainbows cascade over the mountain tops.  Where the birds chirp in the trees and they never poop as they fly overhead.  Where the mountain tops are covered with snow and the temperature is a constant 75 degrees year round.  I believe that fear grasps the hearts of many, and when placed next to a loved one that fear overpowers and sometimes take control; so much so that it can lead to some saying hurtful things, breakups and even violence.

When two people meet and are intertwined, they grow together, they reach together.  And when one begins to grow exclusively dissension, mistrust and even hate can come forward.  If the relationship is worth entering, can it be argued it is worth motivating your partner into assisting you to become the best version of yourself?  It is worth taking the steps necessary to pull your partner into the path of you being a better you.  I'm a firm believer at heart that true lovers meaning lovers of the body, mind, and soul, want nothing but the best for each other.  And if there is a difference of opinion on what that best is then these lovers are able to develop a plan that will be beneficial to both.  A plan that does not exclude anyone nor does this plan cause anyone to settle for not being their greater self.

One partner being great does not automatically exclude the other.  How could someone that you profess to love and they you, not want the best for you? My theory is they have grown accustomed to the current version of you, where their position is clearly identified in your life.  The question is, what position do they occupy when you become your greatest? How do they fit into that version of you? That, in my opinion, is where the fear resides.


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