Decisions, Decisions...

I posted this January 25, 2015, on another site.  I've created this new blog and want to bring over the older posts.  So here goes...

It has been said that behavior won't change as long as there is a reward, and the award that is received can be difficult to give it up.  So, no matter who encourages this person to do better, they will not change that behavior as long as that reward is meaningful to them and present.  The reward has to be removed or no longer stimulating for that behavior to stop.

Rewards can be a personal fulfillment, a personal gratification, momentary, mentally or physically stimulating.  If the reward isn't or can't be removed you may not stand a chance competing with it.  Know where you are, who you are and what you mean to anyone that matters to you.  Confusion and heart ache happens in my opinion when one believes they can stand toe to toe with a "reward..."

That's a beast that no man can slay...


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