BDBH Head Chatter tackles everyday life and views it with a Mental Health perspective. It approaches problems, situations, and topics and the final product can be tasty or bitter, which would solely depend on your palate. Enter at your own risk. :)
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Perfect is that part of life that has you in a good place mentally even though you are physically in a hole.
Let's talk about forgiveness. There are many opinions on the subject, and if asked, each opinion-er will argue that they are correct or valid; and this article will not fail in providing you with yet another opinion on forgiveness. Beginning with the definition: after googling the description, this one best fits this article. Forgiveness is the intentional and voluntary process by which a victim changes feelings and attitude regarding an offense; let's go of negative emotions such as resentment and vengeance. To elaborate on that definition, forgives is choosing to let go of the negative energy that binds you to the person that offended or wronged you. It is you who decides not to allow that negative energy to keep you two bound together. I have heard throughout life that forgiveness is for the victim, not the offender. I usually dismissed the thought and the person behind such foolish talk, which was what I believed it was. I now understand. Choosing to forgiv...
Finding and Living Your Ten What is the one thing that you can do every day that you cannot imagine living the rest of your life without? That is your ten . As I grew up in Miami, Florida. I knew from a very early age that I wanted to love people, but it took me until I was over the age of 40 to make the connection on how to love people and make an honest living 😊 . I see life on a scale of one to ten. One is getting up every day, existing, going back to sleep and repeating it the next day. Ten is living a mindful life, enjoying and paying attention to the times you are in the presence of others. Getting up every day with purpose and excitement, looking forward to doing that one thing that brings you joy and purpose. That thing, is defined for the purpose of this topic as, if there was a way that your physical needs were met, a way where you could live the life that you dreamed with the resources necessary to live ...
The dysfunction of society when someone makes a decision, and the ridicule that follows. Not because it was a wrong decision but because there are rules and laws in place that state that that decision is unacceptable under all circumstances. The moralistic crossroad that one must endure to either not make the decision or make it and die internally for eternity. There is no choice for some, either way. Rules are rules. Accepting the position of the martyr, some do with pride, though the outcome can be destitute or shame. However, both had the option of a team that would commend quietly and not hold liable for following the ‘rules,' or one that would congratulate for following the rules, but moralistically and socially it is suicide. All the while constantly reminding of ‘not doing anything wrong’ becomes the background noise of the psyche. Then comes the praise, but legal battles to defend morals and to have extended basic decency. When faced with a decisio...
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